Property management

Quality & Efficiency

We attach great importance to first-class quality.

time is money - also for our customers. That's why we work in optimized processes and with a well-coordinated team. This way we can guarantee that we can always serve you promptly and that there can be no delays.

WEG administration

DThe homeowner associations we manage are in safe hands. It is not without reason that our customers are always loyal and satisfied.

In addition to the usual administration, we are always happy to listen to any concerns and do our best to solve any problem as quickly and as best as possible.

In principle, there is no basic fee as a flat rate for the property. Other fees are contractually agreed upon depending on the property or are waived entirely.

Contact us at any time to arrange a consultation or to fill out our application form. We will then make you an offer that you will like.

If you have any other questions, please use our contact form. We will endeavour to respond promptly.

our service

    Complete handling of the rental, including interviews and credit checks Management of the deposit accounts Settlement of additional costs with the tenants Transparent annual statements for you and your tax advisor Implementation of new legal requirements (e.g. Drinking Water Ordinance, ENEV, etc.) Favorable framework agreements with energy suppliers, cable providers and insurance companies

    Regular inspection of the building condition Maintaining the building

    Regular and personal support of the owners Monthly/quarterly house accounts Preparation of professional business plans

    Organisation and implementation of the owners' meeting, including scheduling, agenda, minutes, keeping of resolution collections, drawing up and compliance with the house rules, preparation and distribution of circulars and notices, complaint management

Owners meeting

The homeowners' meeting is the main administrative body for members of a condominium association. Based on our experience over the last few years, we offer owners' meetings both in person and digitally.

With a virtual condominium meeting, administrators can also allow members of a condominium association to participate in meetings who are not physically present.

Transparent billing

Transparent billing is an important aspect of property management. It means that all costs and fees are communicated openly and clearly, with no hidden costs. This is especially important for tenants and owners to have an accurate understanding of the financial situation of their house or apartment. Transparent billing creates trust and transparency between the parties and minimizes the risk of disagreements or disputes. No hidden costs also means that all expenses for the maintenance and repairs of the building or apartment are clearly presented. Transparent billing is a sign of professional and responsible property management.


In order to be able to access our customers' documents quickly and from anywhere, we rely heavily on digitization in property management. Digitization enables us to store all relevant documents such as rental agreements, invoices and minutes in digital form and make them available at any time. This not only saves us time and space, but also allows us to work more efficiently and offer our customers better service. Digitization therefore plays an important role in modern property management and has become indispensable for us.

contact details

49 17632994509

Schiffbeker Weg 164a

22119 Hamburg


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